Friday, January 14, 2022

Starting Off 2022 Right - Goals Edition

Here's me ringing in the New Year
how I always do, Baxter Trail 5K
I may be two weeks late in saying it, but HAPPY NEW YEAR

I want to say that I am going into 2022 optimistically but let's be honest, I am more or less trying to enter it cautiously hopeful. The last two years were a lot. But I am trying to convince myself that we are now going to take a turn away from, well all the things that were not super awesome the last couple of years and instead focus on the things that were pretty great and there were some pretty amazing parts of 2020 and 2021 that kind of go lost in the shuffle and I never took the time to write about and fully appreciate them. 

In fact, I am going to try harder at maintaining this blog this year (I know, I've said that before, but this time, I am going to stick to it. In fact, I have already made a list of several topics that I want to write about in the near future. These include (in no particular order):
      1. Fit Girl Guide Detox Review
      2. How I spent my Summer Vacation
      3. KnockSquad 2022
      4. Adventures in Hiking
      5. The Absolute Worst Weekend of my Life (yes, I am being dramatic)
      6. Becoming a Running Coach
      7. Previews and Reviews of my 2022 Races
See one thing I am going to start doing in 2022 is keeping better track of my goals and writing them down so I am more motived to stick to them. And this year, I am going to set me goals a month at a time. This way, I can experience a more immediate sense of accomplishment and also not get overwhelmed by huge overreaching goals that may not manifest until the end of the year (looking at you Rock n Roll Savannah that is not until November that basically destroyed my whole running vibe and will discuss more in another blog post). So here is what I have on tap for January:

Truth be told, I've already met one of them and making good progress on some others 

How do you keep on track with the things you want to do? Do you keep a planner? A blog? Shout to the Universe? I want to hear all about it in the comments below. Also, if you have any topics that you would like me to write about in 2022. 

I'll leave you for now with this quote I saw. May you write an amazing story in 2022... 

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