Friday, April 16, 2021

An Inside Look: Ready.Set.MOVE Box Subscription

"Disclaimer: I received the Winter Ready.Set.MOVE. Box to use and review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out to review find and write race reviews!"

If you are like me, you are all the time getting ads on your socials about different subscription boxes. They have them for everything now, books, food, beauty items, geeky things, sporty things, pretty much endless things! If you love something, you can get a blind box of it delivered right to your door. Well, if you know me (and if you are reading this blog, I assume you do) then you know that I love running gear. So I had been curious about the Ready.Set.MOVE boxes for a while. So when I had the opportunity to check out a few for myself, I was so IN!

What is the Ready.Set.MOVE. Box?

Ready.Set.MOVE is a quarterly subscription box created for those passionate about moving toward their fitness goals. Each box is filled with industry-leading products, always valued at $100+, that can be used during workouts and training. Boxes are curated quarterly and cost $49.99 each but you can save $20 by signing up for the whole year ($179.99 total). They ship out in January, April, July, and October.

I received the 2021 Winter box that was shipped to subscribers in January. You can start your subscription any time and when you do, you will be sent the current box and then fall into the regular shipping schedule. There are select numbers of the past season's boxes available on their website as well to order. They also offer occasional special holiday boxes for special occasions like Valentine's Day and Women's History Month. These specialty boxes are not a part of the subscriptions, but are optional added bonuses you can choose to purchase if you want. 

What was Inside? 

  1. The Original SPIBelt
  2. SPIbeams LED Hat
  3. LaColombe Triple Draft Latte
  4. Bracoo Calf Compression Sleeves
  5. KT Tape Recovery+ Pain Relief Gel Roller
  6. KT Tape Sample Pack
  7. Floyd's of Leadville Mini Full Spectrum Lavender Blend CBD Balm
  8. Floyd's of Leadville Single Pack Protein, Vanilla
  9. Floyd's of Leadville Single Pack Protein, Chocolate
  10. Trigger Point Nano LTE Foot Roller
  11. Nuun Sport Fruit Punch Tube
  12. Nathan Sports HyperBrite Strobe
  13. Brooks Croakie
  14. Brooks Greenlight Headband
  15. Honey Stinger Honey Waffle
  16. Honey Stinger Honey Organic Fruit Smoothie Gel
  17. A pack of really cool Stickers 
17 ITEMS!! That's a ton of stuff in one box. And you know what, I used every single item. Which is a fear that has always kept me for ordering boxes like this, but no fear here, everything in there was super useful. And, I felt that there was a really great mix of items I knew and loved, items that I was curious about but never quite tried before and items I'd never heard of.

If you are curious about how I used and felt about each item in the box, I did a "Item of the Day" on my Instagram here: 

Here's a sort of highlight list though, based on a few commonly asked questions:

What is your favorite item?
Hard question, cause there is a lot of neat things in here that I use a lot, but probably have to go with the SPIbeams LED Hat. It's just so useful! I've worn it a ton since receive it. Way more comfortable than a headlamp and perfect for running right before sunrise where you can easily turn it off with a click of the brim when the sun comes up and you no longer need light. 

What is an item you've heard of and never tried but wanted to?
I have heard of CBD balms before, but never tried them. And ironically, it turned out to be something I really needed! I recently had a minor surgery to excise a basal cell carcinoma form my forearm. Y'all they cut out like half my arm I swear! 11 stitches. And there is a nasty looking scar left behind. Anyway, my PT mentioned that CBD balms are great on those kind of wounds and help reduce pain, swelling and scarring. I had no idea. So it's been getting a lot of use!

What is an item that you never heard of before?
I had no idea that KT tape made a pain relief gel. And I've used KT tape products for YEARS (crap knees, yo). That was an awesome find and I love it. Easy to apply and feels amazing on sore muscles.

What is an item that you've used before and love?
Honey Stinger gels are my go-to fuel while on long runs. I love them, and fruit smoothie is one of my favorite flavors so I was super stoked to see that in there.

Was there anything in the box you never would have bought for yourself but was glad it was included?
The Trigger Point NanoLTE foot roller is amazing and something I never ever would have splurged on myself. It now lives under the desk in my home office and I use it a lot during the day. It feels amazing!

Bottom line, I am super excited to receive the next box, which should be coming to me soon. I'm already excited by seeing some of the Spring box product reveal post on Ready.Set.MOVE.'s Instagram page (here if you are curious:

Interested in receiving quarterly goodies for yourself from Ready.Set.MOVE.? Need a bit of extra incentive? You can order a yearly subscription and use discount code BibRave10 for $10 off the first box for all first-time subscribers! Subscribe here: